I suffered with broken and ugly teeth for years until I found Dr. Stall. He gave me the smile I always wanted and is helping me keep it that way. Thank you Dr. Stall and your wonderful team.
Over the course of many years you have solved many of my dental problems. I have learned to be calm and unafraid as I enter your office doors. Frankly, there were times as when I required surgery (implants, braces) and I doubted the outcome. But all's well that ends well. You Dr. Stall are indeed an expert rearranger of teeth, and without a doubt you are a truly superb dentist. Thank you again for an exceptional job on my teeth. I am looking forward to my visits to keep my teeth and gums healthy.
When I went to Dr. Stall's office, I was absolutely thrilled to find out that he did everything possible to make sure I had an enjoyable and pain-free experience. I now tell all of my friends to go there!
Just wanted to thank you for restoring my faith in dentists. You've been kind and gentle and my teeth look so much better and no longer hurt. It's appreciated more than you'll ever know.
I was tired of seeing that ugly little spot on my front tooth every time I smiled in the mirror. I am still amazed at how comfortable and relaxed everyone made me feel. The results were wonderful and I feel better about my smile.
I hope this never happens to YOU. I had just returned home from a business trip. I was scheduled to speak at a major business meeting at my company later in the week.
Three days before the meeting, my mouth started killing me! I had a sharp shooting pain in my gums. It was a raging toothache! With this type of pain, there was no way I could postpone treatment until after my business meeting to get relief. I needed emergency help and I needed it now. So I called my family dentist to schedule an emergency visit. His receptionist told me she would check the doctor's schedule and call me back. Well, a day went by and there was no return phone call. I couldn't wait another minute with this pain. I called my dentist again but it didn't do any good. He was too busy and couldn't see me until the next day. I couldn't believe it!
I started calling every dentist in the phone book. None of them could get me in. So I called a friend and she referred me to her dentist. The receptionist told me to come right on over and the doctor would work me in. This dentist took time to listen to me, he understood the time frame I was under and he took immediate steps to get me out of pain. I can't thank him enough along with his wonderful staff. I am already recommending this dental office to my friends and co-workers.
Thanks to Dr. Stall my tooth doesn't hurt anymore. I couldn't believe the pampering and royal treatment I received by his staff while at his office. By the way, a few days later at my business meeting, I was in no pain, had no swelling and gave the best presentation of my life. Thanks to my new dentist!
Don Northrup - West Chester, PA
*Please remember: people and their medical/dental conditions are not all the same. These are true stories but are not a guarantee that your outcome and experience will be exactly the same.
Our goal is to help every patient experience the benefits of good oral health and a beautiful smile. We value the trust you have placed in our office and strive to provide solutions that meet your dental needs and expectations of care.